Litigation & Arabitration

CIC has an extensive and comprehensive experience in dispute resolution either amicably or through litigation procedures. Our experience in amicable settlement of dispute cemented by our conciliation practices in a lot of complex cases. In case of failure of amicable settlement rout, 3LS can provide the following litigation services:

  1. Legal studies related to all branches of law.
  2. Legal consultancies.
  3. Criminal lawsuits.
  4. Civil lawsuits.
  5. Commercial and financial and banking lawsuits and disputes.
  6. Commercial and financial and banking lawsuits and disputes.
  7. Marine and shipping lawsuits.
  8. Civil status lawsuits.
  9. Labor and laborers' lawsuits.
  10. Arbitration
  11. Mediation.
  12. Legal translation certified from the Ministry of Justice.


- Within the Arab Republic of Egypt, in the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council and in all Arab Countries .